Thursday, February 5, 2009

Okay ----- Here are a couple of pictures of my Grandma Mary D. Asay that I'd never seen before. The top one is of her as a young girl with her family. The other is her with Grandpa Amos Earl Asay.

I wish the lighting on the one of the two of them had been better. You can't really see their faces. I found that one interesting because she's a little more, shall we say 'Robust', than I remember her being. The pose reminds me a little of 'American Gothic'.

Now, here is a rundown of who is in the top picture. Dad gave me the married names of the sisters in the pic, so that's why some aren't listed as Allred in this list.

Left to Right front row:

Floyd Allred, Grandpa {Edward Warren}Allred, Veda Lemmon [interesting story about her name -- in Spanish: vida means life, those of you who know this also know that although it is spelled with an -i- it is pronouned with a long -e- sound. So Dad thinks they were trying to use the Spanish word for life but spelled it like it sounded to them]. Anyway - on with the list: After Veda, who's in the middle, the next one is Dad's Grandma 'Grammie' {Rebecca Alverean} Allred [He says he never knew her full name until he was grown. She had always been just Grammie to him]. On the end of the front row is Angus Allred.

Left to Right Back Row:

James Anna Clark [Grandpa Allred wanted to use the name James for his first child -- who knows why he couldn't wait for a boy (as it is he ended up with 4) Dad says he knew her as Aunt Anna until he was a teenager, then when he found out her real first name he liked to tease. He might say if she answered the phone "Is this Aunt James?" to which she'd snarl " Oh Shut Up!]. Anyway on with the list: Ellis Allred, Mary Dianthia {Grandma} Asay, Vera Brinkerhoff [when she married Mr Brinkerhoff she had one child already, and he had four. Of those 5 kids three were grown and out of the home by then and the other two were out on their own not too long after. But --- she had another 9 children within that marriage: 3 girls and 6 boys. Their home had a large closed in porch which was where the boys slept and finally their father also. Dad says that she raised a very good family - "everyone of them"]. Next on that back row is: Chasty Reach [the last name is pronounced 'reesh' Dad says it's a Belgian name and that Chasty's husband was a hard worker. He was working at a small refinery in the area where he fell one day and broke his back. That wasn't ever diagnosed or treated until he was much older and was having a lot of problems with his back. He never missed work because of it]. Finally on the top right is Orvil Allred.


  1. Glad to see you finally back in the blogosphere. Isn't Dad's memory amazing?

  2. Thanks again for sharing, Laura. That was all very interesting. I like the explanation of all the people in the pictures. We are glad to have you as family historian.
