Sunday, October 5, 2008

Catch up

I just looked at my blog page and saw that I haven't written anything since July. I keep thinking about writing something but like most of my good intentions I don't get around to it. So here's just some rambling thoughts.

First of all I'd like to suggest that anyone who might be contemplating a visit to Montana in the near future to try for Thanksgiving week. I know that traveling in winter can be a challenge but it's going to be a hard time for Dad - since that week will also be his and Mother's anniversary I think he needs as much family as possible to buoy him up at that time. He doesn't talk openly often about it but little things remind him Mother and chock him up. Like the song choices in a recent Sacrament meeting which included 'Love at Home' one of Mother's favorite hymns (which I remember her singing when any of us were quarrelling), and 'Families can be Together Forever'. I've had times when that one has given me a few tears (the message is beautiful but can be a little hard for a person who is alone).

Dad still goes to the temple twice a week. He says he has a problem because he's had several brothers say that want to work next to him because he know how to do everything. So he worries that he can't make even any tiny errors.

I'm still in a probationary period at work and almost once a month someone else who is still on probation is fired. I don't know all the particulars but it is a little intimidating. Every time I think I think I've about got things down and that I'm making progress I get told of something else that I'm either doing wrong or something I should be doing that I'm not. The last evaluation I got from 'Training officer' included the statement that I make excuses or argue when told of mistakes. There were several other things on the evaluation sheet that I didn't totally agree with but what could I say after that statement.

Finally a comment on KD and Nancy's blogs on exercise. I'm so glad you've decided to develop good habits so early in your lives. My doctor is always after me to exercise and I keep meaning to but it's really hard to make myself do it. I place the blame on bad experiences in high school gym that made me hate exercise, but that's not a very good excuse. Personally I often feel that exercise is the 'Snake Oil' of the 21st century. I'm always hearing on how exercise will cure this one disease or another or else prevent serious health problems. It's another thing that I keep intending to to improve on and don't find the right time or motivation.


  1. Fitness makes me happy! But I know what you mean, it is so easy to talk yourself out of it and find reasons not to do it.

  2. Good to see you back. That probationary period can be rough. And I don't think criticism is ever easy to take. Exercise? Yeah, I am still working on that myself.
