Friday, May 8, 2009

A family tradition

I was talking to Dad about all the recent injuries to members of our family and he reminded me of the time he fell off a scaffold and cut his head open. It took about 25 stitches.
I also remembered that when Bob was a teenager he dove into a pool on a Mutual outing and hit his head on something. I knew I've seen a picture of him with his head all wrapped up in gauze so I looked through some old pics and hey I found the photo.

He doesn't look very happy does he?

I also wanted to let you know that I'm starting a new separate blog on which the only purpose will be to post stories that I've written. It's at .

I hope you all enjoy them. I'll probably never be a published author but at least I can share these that I've ejoyed creating.


  1. So I can blame the head injury on the Asays and not on little Richie?

  2. Love the glasses, little brother!
