Sunday, April 27, 2008

Go to Jail, Go directly to Jail

Before anyone starts worrying about the implications of the title of this entry - it's actually a good thing. A position I had interviewed and tested for at the local detention facility became available this week, and I decided to take it. It pays a little more than my current position ($12.25 per hour as opposed to $11.50), and it feels more secure [no pun intended]. It's just that the position at CNI is on a contract basis and some of the paperwork I went over in my orientation called it an 'at will' position - meaning they could terminate me at anytime. That's a particular worry with the contract aspect of the position - if the contract ends suddenly so does the job. I spoke to the lady I was working with this last week about taking a different job and she said good for me. She was actually laid off by CNI for a while last year in a group of 100, then was called back just before her severence period ended. Consequently she understands my feeling of insecurity about the job.

I will be working in the control room at YCDF (that's Yellowstone County Detention Facility). That means I'll be closed in a sealed room with monitors and the controls to all the electronic locks. There are windows facing in so I can see people passing in the hall, but most of the time I'll be in there alone. I worked out there as a Booking Clerk about 15 years ago and thought at that time that I'd rather be in that nice enclosed room than outside dealing with some of the people I had to deal with. They asked in the interview how I'd feel about being closed in like that. I told them it wouldn't be a problem. I'm not claustrophobic - instead it's crowds that affect me (or do I mean effect - it's one of those confusing homonyms). I can be in a minuscule space by myself and I'm just fine. But put me in a crowded room - even an auditorium sized space and I feel like I can't breath well. I came very close to a panic attack at the local mall here in Billings one Christmas and I generally avoid most stores during the busiest hours on Saturdays or evenings.

Anyway, I just wanted to let everyone know about the latest change. I think I'll be working the swing shift, so I'll be away from home in the evening but I'll have most of the daytime hours for any personal business or errands. It means I won't be able to ride the bus anymore (I'm not even sure there's one that goes close by, but there definitely won't be one available at around 11:30 pm when I'll be getting off), but with about $90 more per month I might be able to afford the gas.


  1. congratulations! I hope it all works out for you! Love you!

  2. I am sorry. I keep forgetting to check your blog when I am reviewing all the family blogs. I am glad you found a good job. I hope the hours work out okay. We enjoy learning how things are going there for you. Garrett especially likes to learn about the family history stuff, so keep it coming. We love you.
