Thursday, January 24, 2008

I haven 't interviewed Mother & Dad lately and when they've spontaneously told stories I haven't had the presence of mind to write it down. So here's just a little bit I remember from light conversation.

We were watching ice skating on tv one day last week -- I commented that I'd only ever gone skating once because I'd fallen down over and over until my backside and ankles hurt too much to want to do it ever again. Mother told me about a similar experience. When she was young she, Betty, and the Asay twins were dropped off to ice skate on the lake outside of Lovell. Shortly after getting there Mother fell and hit her head. Then they all had to wait in a relatively isolated spot with no shelter until their ride came back. She never wanted to go again.

The most recent story that Dad told me was about a cousin who married young. His young wife apparently wanted to make sure he wouldn't leave her home alone more than necessary. So when he came home from work she would hide his shoes so he couldn't go back out 'with the boys'. I guess it worked, so maybe he didn't really want to go back out that bad.

Dad got a phone call the other night from the daughter of Uncle Archie's (Dad's oldest brother) adopted son. Her dad cut off contact with his whole family years ago. She's trying to reconnect. Dad said something about events at around the time of the adoption. She was surprised to learn that Archie wasn't her biological grandpa. Dad gave her contact information for Cousin Patsy (one of Aunt Vida's girls) because he thought she might know how to get in touch with the adopted daughter who would be that woman's aunt.

Currently I'm still job hunting. I've put out more applications than I think I've ever done before - it's so easy to do on the internet. So far no luck. I thought I had a pretty good shot for a job at the dispatch center (911) On the day of the interview the manager told me as I was leaving that I made a good impression when they had me come in pre-interview to observe, and that I presented well in the interview. She said she'd be making a decision by the end of the week so on Friday I kept waiting for a phone call. Then on Saturday I got the dreaded reject letter. I also think I did well interviewing for a position as a control operator at the jail. But the problem there is that they are only creating a hiring pool right now. So even if I'm top of the list I'd have to wait until someone else leaves. Sergent Metzger told me that they've got 2 people on probabtion in that position right now (since the jail is a 24-7 place there are 3 shifts) He said if either of them don't pass probation they'd have an opening. So I would have to be real mean to wish that someone else would wash out so that I could have their job.

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